Personalized e-mail recommendations
Image based integration
This is the simplest way of displaying personalized content in your e-mails, however not suitable for subject line personalization. You only have to:
- Add some HTML tags to your e-mails.
<a href="http://<customer>-<location><customer>-war/AdServlet?action=renderrd&pos=<imagepos>&scenarioId=newsletter1&userid=<userid>×tamp=1384529880325">
<img src="http://<customer>-<location><customer>-war/AdServlet?action=renderrec&pos=<imagepos>&scenarioId=newsletter1&userid=<userid>×tamp=1384529880325">
- where you have to replace:
- - with your unique customer identifier (provided by Gravity)
- - the location of your service (provided by Gravity)
- - a number from 1 to the number of displayed recommendation. This is number of the actual items in the list of recommended items.
- - the identifier of the user the email is sent to.
- Connecting users in your newsletter service with your users on your site. This simply means you have to upload both ID or also the user’s email address into our user catalog.
- Specify the design. The recommendations will appear in your newsletter as images but this images are server side rendered HTML contents so they can contain any images and formatted text blocks.
Batch processing
We provide an FTP-based batch processing API to allow efficient processing of large number of recommendation requests.
Updated over 5 years ago